Monday, September 01, 2008


Lovely Alix of Marmite and Tea gave me this Friendship Award, which made my day:I can't imagine a prettier award.

Since it cheered me so much, I want to pass it along to a few of my special blogfriends.

JJ over at Tea Stains is a wonderfully supportive fellow writer and tea lover. Sending you pretty teacups for the perfect cuppa PG Tips (my fave too), JJ.

Yvonne over at It Had Better Be Good is a kindred writing soul whose sheer determination and upbeat spirit always inspire me.

Caroline of In Search of Adam fame, writes a popular blog and lovely books, but is always generous with her time and encouragement to new writers.

Hullaballoo over at Hullabrouhaha always cheers me with her sunny and cheeky posts. Hope these pretty teacups add to her new places in blogland and Scotterland.

Lane over at Lane's Write first caught my attention with her cleverly named blog. Her posts always make me giggle, and she is a supportive writerly friend. These teacups should fit well with her little teacup family.

Lifting my cuppa up to these lovely blog friends, whose friendship I greatly appreciate, as well as the many others I didn't mention. Cheers!


Caroline said...

I am one big hormone tonight and you have made me smile. Thank you x

Yvonne said...

Awh you are so sweet! For the record, I don't know how you do it - I know many days must be difficult for you with your thyroid problem and migraines, but your determination in the face of that is just so inspiring. Keep it up, I love your blog!

Angie said...

Yay, I'm glad it made you smile, Caroline. x

Angie said...

Doh, missed you, Yvonne. Thanks so much, sweetie! It means a lot.

Lane Mathias said...

Aw thank you my dear. It's always a pleasure to visit here too. And what lovely teacups!

I think we are so clever to cleverly name our blogs don't you?:-) x

Jenny Beattie said...

Thank you so much Angie. I love it. I love those pretty teacups and thank you for all your support too.JJxxx

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you liked it and it cheered you up. Nothing like a cup of vitual tea with friends :)

Jenny Beattie said...

Angie, and there's a special mention for you over at mine. Thanks again.

XXYXX said...

Oh Angie, don't be given Hullaballoo even more teacups, we've only just merged two kitchen's worth into one!

But I've texted her about your kind award and she'll thrilled when she staggers back from the school run and supermarket trek.

Angie said...

Cheers, Lane.
The very cleverest. :)

JJ, I do hope they meet the tea standards! ;) This blog network means so much.

m&t, it really did cheer me up, and the cup of virtual tea with friends is fab!

McBobo, oops, didn't mean to overload your kitchen!
Thanks for passing the message along.

Pat Posner said...

Hi, Angie
I've come here from Lane's because she passed the Friendship Award that Alix gave you and you gave Lane along to me.
Hmm, not very good grammar; it's like reciting 'The House That Jack Built'.
Anyway, I'm thanking you for passing it along to Lane and Alix for giving it you and I will also pass it along.
I'll also come back and read more of your blog!

Unknown said...

That is a very cool award! Congratulations.

Angie said...

Pat, nice to meet you and thanks for visiting. I'm glad the award is making the rounds. :) Will stop by your blog soon too.

Thanks, Chad, I thought it was pretty sweet.

Anonymous said...

thanks Angie. I am feeling a bit blue this week and these tea cups cheered me up.
