Thursday, September 25, 2008

Woo hoo!

Penn State may have whooped our butts.


We BEAT the number one ranked team tonight.

Go Beavs!

p.s. Did this distract you from the largest U.S. bank failure ever or the ongoing economic meltdown? No? Me neither. One can try.


Lane Mathias said...

Woo Hoo for Angie's team!

At least that was a nano-second break from the economic freak-out:-)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...


Unknown said...

I love it when the underdog wins. Nice!

Kristen @ said...

Ah, SO SO SO sad I missed this game! :-( But hoorah for OSU! GO BEAVS!!!

Jenny Beattie said...

Hurrah for Angie's team!

I have no idea which sport this is about - but I'm glad you're happy!

Angie said...

Lane, any break is good!

Debs, thanks. :)

Chad, it's more satisfying to watch your underdog team win too.

Kristen, bummer, but yay Go Beavs!

JJ, it was college football. :)

shortstuff said...
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shortstuff said...

here at Penn State, they didn't care that we beat the #1 team. they only wanted to gloat in my face.


welcome to the east coast haha

Angie said...

shortstuff, is this Karee? It was great to run into you there.
Yeah, I guess that happens, but we can be proud. :)