Friday, October 24, 2008

Book Group Expo

This weekend I'm heading to Book Group Expo in San Jose. I'm volunteering tomorrow and Sunday I'm attending as a regular reader. (Rumor has it they gave out awesome goody bags last year!) I'm super excited. I'll be working in a Salon--where authors discuss their books--to help make sure everything runs smoothly. Hopefully I don't get too starstruck.

If you're in the bay area this weekend, you should check it out. It's a two day event, and there are fabulous Authors, from a range of styles, attending.


Jenny Beattie said...

Cor I wish I were in the Bay area! That looks fantastic Angie. Have a superb time and give us a juicy write up when you're done, please.

Angie said...

Too bad because we could have a cuppa too!
It was fantastic, and I'll be posting about it soon.