Monday, April 13, 2009


I'm finalizing my gifts for the Pay It Forward participants and I still have one spot open. I would love it if three people participated. All you have to do is repay the gift to three new people on your own blog. If you'd like to join, leave a comment and send me an email with your mailing address (and favorite color). Don't be shy, it's fun!


Sue Guiney said...

I missed the first go round with this and I'm so pleased I'm getting another bite at the apple. I'd love to take part. What's your email so I can send you my address. And ps, my favourite colour has always been blue, but it feels lately like it's been moving towards red. Wonder what that means....

Angie said...

Sue, yay, I'm glad you want to join! My email is angie(dot)london(at)gmail(dot)com.
My favorite is blue too, but I've also been in love with red lately. Weird.

daringtowrite said...

This sounds like fun, Angie, and I feel very lucky to see that I might be in time to get in on it.

Angie said...

Daring to write, I'm sorry, Sue filled my last spot. This should be popping up on other blogs soon though, so you might want to watch around.
Thanks for visiting.