Ah shucks. Hellojed nominated me for another award: the Creative Blogger Award. Here's what she said:
Angie over at Angie's Write has a great turn of phrase and is a fellow writer/blogger; she struggles with her need to write versus a 'proper job'. I hear ya!

So now I s'pose I nominate five creative bloggers? And the Creative Blogger Award goes to:
Helen at Redders Ramblings not only for finishing her first novel draft (huzzah!), but also for those beautiful cakes. We all remember my cake decorating skills, yes?
Kristen of Gold in the Seams of My Hands, not only for braving this blogging malarkey and starting her very own blog, but also for that lovely poetry. I demand more!
Rebecca James published her first novel this spring and is now working on her next meanwhile raising four(!) rambunctious boys and also creating beautiful paintings.
JJ at Tea Stains is writing her first novel while raising kids in a foreign country. I also hear she's a bit of an artist herself (potters creatively).
Clare of Boob Pencil published her first novel with a publisher that subsequently went under; she finished a second novel and is now going through the process of finding an agent. I love how she honestly details her struggles, while keeping her hopes high. Those fabulous drawings of hers in the background of her blog are great too.
To find out more about this award, go here.
Angie - Thankyou! I'm flattered ...though I've been particularly NON-creative for the past week - you've inspired me to get blogging again.
Hi Angie
Thank you so much, I'm really touched. I will put up my award v v soon.
Great news about your burst of creativity! I'm hoping that a change of pace will kickstart mine too.
Angie thank you so much. I blogged the other day about the fact I didn't feel I was a creative person until someone pointed it out. Now I have two fellow bloggers giving me awards for it too! Thanks!
P.S I went to look at your cake and it looked fab. x
Rebecca, you always seem so creative. I've been lagging too and finally got a kickstart. Yay for more blogging from you!
JJ, you deserve it!
Thanks, hellojed. I think all the supportive blogging writers really help to boost confidence and thus kickstart creativity.
Helen, you deserve it and you are creative! I can't paint or draw either, though I want to, but there are other things, such as those cakes of yours! (And thanks for saying mine looked fab, it's really very amateur, but I'll take what I can get ;)
Thanks so much, Ang. Love you, girlie!
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