Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Line

I've been a bit remiss lately about posting, but I'm feeling buried under work and class and everyday life. Oh okay, and the Olympics. Michael Phelps is amazing! Plus today I learned my thyroid has still not stabilized and my level has been steadily creeping up, which explains the overwhelming tiredness.

I'm enjoying my writing course and I'm getting more out of it than I expected, but I'm struggling to draw the line between my work life and my personal life. During the day I work on the novel, and in the evening I work on my coursework, which consists of editing the next section of my novel for submission, and reading pieces by other students and giving feedback. I haven't gone to bed at a decent hour for weeks--I'm averaging a 1:00am bedtime--and on Saturday night when I have to finish my submission it's even worse, averaging around 3:00am. I have about four more weeks of class, so I suspect blog service will be light until then. I should emphasize how much I'm enjoying this class though. The feedback is phenomenal and I really know what I need to do to shape up the novel after the course ends.

This is an example of the edits I've been doing for my class:Apparently, according to Husband, this is not a light edit. Pah, what does he know, he's an engineer! But look at that pile of edited paper steadily growing. Hurrah!


Jenny Beattie said...

Oh goodness, Angie, that sounds absolutely exhausting, I'm not sure my stamina would hold. Still, it's not for long now, and it's fabulous news to hear that you're getting so much out of it. I'm so pleased for you.

Kristen @ said...

Hooray for you! Keep it up! Do I sound like a cheerleader?... I just read my comment again. And why yes, I do. :-p Pah! I'll just embrace it. Come on Angie, you can do it, if you put a red pen to it! Edit edit, fight fight fight!

Yvonne said...

Glad you're enjoying your course so much. Hope you feel much better soon.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

That looks like hard work to me. Hope you feel much better soon too.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you're enjoying your course! I'm fairly new to your blog, but I like what I see!

pierre l said...

I'm sure that your other readers will agree that, much as we like reading you, your coursework comes first. I hope they will find the right dose for your medicine in the near future.

Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear that the class is going so well. It looks like it is really going to help your novel.

As for getting more sleep, I'm with you on that. Look at it this way, the Olympics are only two weeks long. We can make it...I hope.

Angie said...

JJ, it is fairly exhausting, but the payoff is fantastic.

Kristen, you make an excellent cheerleader! haha.

Yvonne, I thought I might get sick at the end of the course, as you do, but hopefully I'll get it over with!

Debs, thanks. I'm taking Vit C and resting up this week.

Bobbi, welcome, and thanks for visiting.

Pierre, ah, thanks. I do hate to neglect blogging though. I'm on a new dose, so fingers crossed that it'll stabilize soon.

Chad, I couldn't ask for more from the class.
True. One more week...if only they'd show Phelps and the gymnasts earlier in the evening instead of late night! It's all fun though.