Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I'm surfacing from my editing cave, covered in red ink, and thrilled to see those two little words, like a beacon of light at the end of a long, dark tunnel.

The End. Though it's not really. The end, that is. Characters still clamor for attention. I have new scenes to write, and scenes to surgically cut from the opening chapters. But I couldn't be more thrilled! I reached my goal, and now THE END is in sight.

I want to shout out thanks to blog readers who visited with words of encouragement during my period of silence. They fueled and motivated me. You are all lovely!


Yvonne said...

YAY Angie that's fantastic! I hope you take time to celebrate and enjoy the moment. What a mountain you have climbed!

Lane Mathias said...

WELL DONE! You've done soooo well!

Law and Order said...

Wow! What a feeling that must be. All the best.

Jenny Beattie said...

OMG, Angie... that's brilliant. You must be so proud and justifiably so! Well done.

Angie said...

Thank you, lovely ladies. I am excited! (Although, nerves are creeping in now that the next step is before me.)