Tuesday, October 06, 2009

A Winner

I am SO excited!

I entered a contest last week. I should mention that I never ever win anything. Ever.


I won!

Over at Women on the Web they are running a contest called Words Move Me. To enter the contest, you have to submit a 'literary moment' that inspired you. The prize? A rose-colored Sony Reader Pocket Edition. (!!)

It looks quite lovely. I can't wait.

Here's the announcement, and my winning entry:

OMG, I won!**

I believe there are two chances left to win...

(**Because I am obsessed with language, I must note that there is a stray comma in my entry that shouldn't be there, but it wasn't in the version I submitted. Grammar Geek out.)


Kristen @ frostingandfroth.com said...

Well deserved. Yay for you! :-)

Lane Mathias said...

Oh well done. That's great and your entry was a well deserved winner!

Sue Guiney said...

Now how cool is that?! And I can't wait to hear what you think about the Sony Reader...

Rebecca said...

oooh oooh oooh! Congrats!

That is SO pretty! I want one too. You must tell us all what you think of it when you've had a proper chance to use it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Angie,
Valerie herefrom the Reader team at Sony. Just wanted to say thanks for posting your literary moment and gratulations on your win. I wish you lots of happy reading on your new Reader. Please let me know if you have any questions about it.

Angie said...

Thanks, Kris. Yay!

Lane, ah thanks. :)

Sue, very very cool. I will definitely post about it once it arrives!

Rebecca, isn't it gorgeous? I can't wait to try it out.

Thanks, Valerie. I'm excited to receive it.