Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and...

...finally a new post!

I meant to write a Christmas post, and then again a New Year's post, but the best laid plans and all that. We had a nice relaxing Christmas here, which was a pleasant change from our usual shuttling between families at the holidays, but I missed my family immensely. Thank goodness for technology though! I chatted with my mom, sisters, and new little niece over Skype, which was lovely. My niece, who is five months old, got quite upset after awhile when she discovered she couldn't reach me. So adorable.

The cutest niece ever in her bear jammies.

I'm excited for the new year and a new decade, but I'm not one for New Year's resolutions. They always feel too forced. I'm much more likely to keep a birthday resolution or meet a writing goal that has some time and planning to support it. However, despite my lack of official resolutions, I am working toward a goal: I want to finish my final revisions and manuscript tweaks--the technical definition--and get my novel query into the hands of agents soon. I haven't set an exact goal date yet, as I'm reviewing my list of revisions to do, but I'm shooting for the next month or two. (Eek!)

Here's to a bright and shiny 2010, and best wishes to all the other writers and dreamers out there!


Jenny Beattie said...

Happy New Year Angie. Good luck with the goals for 2010. Jjx

Sue Guiney said...

And Happy New Year to you too, Angie. Ever onward!! xo

The Rejection Queen said...

Good luck in 2010. May this be the year for us!!

Angie said...

Thank you, JJ, and best wishes to you in 2010! I think this could be a big year for our writer friends. :)

Cheers, Sue! I should hang that quote above my desk as a reminder, "Ever onward!"

TRQ, thanks for visiting and best of luck to you too! It's a scary, yet exciting path.