I had the not-so-distinct honor of bringing the naughtiest present to a bridal shower on Saturday. Normally I would be proud of this feat, but in this case my mildly naughty present happened to be the ONLY naughty present! I've never been to a bridal shower where the bride received mostly appliances/kitchenware and only two pieces of lingerie. I knew this shower would be milder than most because the bride had many conservative older church friends in attendance, but I assumed her younger girlfriends would get her sexy little presents. Apparently not. There was a "time" theme to the party...each person was given a particular time of day in the invitation ("lunch time," "dinner time," etc.) and their present was supposed to represent that time. I got snack time. How could I resist? My theme was "Snack time should be pleasurable." Pretty lingerie coupled with various edible oils, body creams, frosting, chocolate, etc. She opened my present first, so much laughing and shocked giggling ensued. Easy crowd. Or not. (*immature snicker*) The best part was when the bride tried to explain the frosting, which her fiancee requested I include, by saying, "Well, we both really love food, so he decided we should incorporate it when we're married, Ican'tbelieveIjustsaidthat." Classic.
I wanted to finish my current chapter by last Friday, but I didn't quite make it so I wrote for about four hours yesterday morning and nearly finished. I still have some rewriting to do. (I guess that means I should not be blogging now...) I'm trying to limit the editing at this point, but I can't stop myself. I have a hard time progressing with the writing if I'm not happy with the previous section; not to mention that I worked in editing the last few years, so my inner editor shouts a lot.
We had a very touristy dinner in the city (San Francisco - for some reason all bay area residents call SF "the city") last night with the husband's uncle who is in town for a conference. We walked from North Beach down to Ghiradelli Square, through Fisherman's Wharf--where I was startled by the man who jumps out from behind a bush, even though I've seen this stunt many times before--to Pier 39 where we had delicious clam chowder. It was a rare sunny day in SF, but the wind was bitterly cold and blowing so hard it made the walk back to North Beach quite difficult. I guess I can claim that I worked off the clam chowder since we walked uphill against the wind. Woo hoo.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Naughtiest girl award
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Angie, best of luck with your chapter. I also used to be an editor and it is a hinderance sometimes. Your night in the city sounds gorgeous - I was in San Fran last year for a holiday, I really enjoyed it.
And it's 'hindrance' - doesn't bode well for my editing skills! ;)
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