Friday, September 14, 2007

Productivity, of a sort...

Nah, the writing is still floundering around, flopping helplessly in my head, HOWEVER, I did something I am proud of today. I signed up for a yoga class for this fall. This may not sound like a big deal, but it's a HUGE deal for me since fitness classes scare me - I have to meet/interact with people I don't know, while trying to feign coordination. *shudders* However, I'm working to get back into a healthy routine, and I took yoga years ago and it did wonders for my body. (What self-respecting 26 year old has a bum hip? Oh yes, that would be me, and it started at the ripe old age of 20.) Plus, I could really use a lesson in controlling stress and yoga is great for that. A mind/body makeover could do wonders for my writing--fingers crossed--I just have to drag myself kicking and screaming to that first class in two weeks without having a panic attack. I've already paid the money though and can't get a refund, so wish me luck! I'm sure I'll be here in no time:


Jenny Beattie said...

That's definitely the way to do it. Pay your money, cannot escape. That picture makes me feel slightly nauseous.


Kristen @ said...

Yay, Ang! Very proud of you. You'll be a human pretzel in no time!

Andrew Rosenberg said...

I've taken pi/yo classes at my gym and they're pretty good. (pilates/yoga)
For me running is my "meditation" time where I've literally thought of my best plot work. As long as the trainer isn't too chatty it should be good.

Angie said...

JJ, I knew it was the only way I would go. It makes me nauseous too!

Kris, do I want to be a human pretzel? Hmm, rethinking the yoga class now...;)

Andrew, I did a "yogalates" class too and it was fab. I don't think it will be helpful for the story plotting, but hopefully just for clearing my mind. I can't run these days, but walking helps with thinking through my plot.