Monday, October 01, 2007

Cozy reading

I finished The English Patient this weekend--at 1am in bed when I should have been sleeping--and enjoyed it immensely. I'm still mulling over the ending though. I was going to pick up another WWII-related book, but the changing season has me yearning for brisk air, rain, and a warm mug in front of a fireplace. I longed for something that would evoke that feeling. Something a little dark and mysterious, possibly. I began reading The Historian yesterday and it fits my requirements perfectly. I'm loving it. Now I just need cool weather, rain, and a fireplace, and I'll have the perfect recipe for autumn. Heck, I'll settle for just the cool weather.


Yvonne said...

I'd love a fireplace myself, but otherwise you should pay Ireland a visit - the weather is just as you ordered!

Kristen @ said...

Loved The Historian. I'm jealous that you are reading it. Perhaps I should read it again...

John Soanes said...

The Historian didn't do it for me, I have to admit - gave up after 100 pages (and after looking at the pagecount and thinking 'Oh are there 600 more to go?', which is never a good sign).
But be interested to know what you think of it.

Angie said...

Hellojed, wouldn't a fireplace be lovely? Couldn't squash one into this small apt though. Ireland sounds divine right now. I've been once (to Dublin only) and loved it. I'm sure I wouldn't do any reading as I'd want to be checking out the sights, umbrella in hand. :)

Kristen, you should read it again! Of course, I know you have lots of other good books waiting too. Hmm, tricky, tricky.

John, you didn't like it? Ah well, husband didn't either. I love it so far and the fact that all those pages lie ahead makes me happy, so that's good. I'll report back when I finish.

It was 80 here today, by the way, not exactly fall-ish. Phewy.

Helen said...

The English Patient is waiting quietly for me in my pile under the bed. Maybe I should pick that up next?

Sorry not to have commented for a while or replied to your email. I've been a bit peculiar lately. x

Angie said...

Helen, it's good to see you again. No worries, I think the 'peculiar' feeling goes around. I've definitely had it myself.

Definitely pick up The English Patient. It was a slow(ish) read, but very poetic and beautiful. I need to see the movie now. (Can you believe I haven't? I wanted to read the book first.)

Rebecca said...

The Secret History by Donna Tartt is perfect for curling up in front of a fire too - long and involved but Never boring (like The HIstorian can be....) :)

Angie said...

Oh thanks for the tip, Rebecca! I'll add that to my list then.
Did you find The Historian boring in parts? I must be weird, I'm enjoying every bit of it, although I can see why others might find it too wordy. Maybe a few too many descriptions of the smell of old books and libraries (which I admit, I adore)? ;)