Monday, October 15, 2007

Not for children

Prompted by JJ's post about her blog rating, I went off to check my own. Apparently this blog is rated R for using sex 4x (really?), whore 2x (interesting), and hurt 1x (wtf, why is 'hurt' rated R?). I am very impressed with myself. Or slightly embarrassed. Hard to say.


Jenny Beattie said...

Wow, Angie, I'm so impressed. You are wicked. I can be pushed to that rude, but really I'm a PG kinda girl. (I know, it's not big or clever to swear... blah blah blah) ;-)

Angie said...

Truth be told, I was shocked. I always thought my blog was PG, or at the least PG-13. I do think my story of the street preacher in SF took me down a few notches since it included half my 'naughty' words. ;)

Yvonne said...

Wow, that is shocking! Mine is rated G - I swear like a trouper in real life but I guess I'm a super polite writer!

Angie said...

Hellojed, to tell the truth, I'm quite embarrassed of myself now! I really am not R-rated in real life, probably more like PG-13. I got knocked for quoting that street preacher in SF, but he was a preacher, so it should be rated G, right? ;) Probably got knocked for mentioning a certain show, SatC, too. Ah well. Hope you all don't think the worst of me now! ;)