Thursday, October 25, 2007

On the mend

Just popping in for a quick 'hello' and to thank everyone for the well wishes. I am finally on the mend. The cough is still hanging around, but the intensity has gone down, and I'm starting to have energy (and an appetite).

Two comments:

The Red Sox beat the Rockies 13-1 in the first game of the World Series. We're off to a great start.

A fascinating research book that I ordered weeks ago finally arrived in the mail today. Can't wait to dip in...Oh alright then, off I go.


Kristen @ said...

Glad you're feeling better. :-)

Yvonne said...

Glad to hear you're on the mend, and go Red Sox!

Lane Mathias said...

Don't know anything about the game but the score looks impressive!

And Hurrah for return of appetite and demise of hacking cough:-)

pierre l said...

Hurray! Another good win for the Red Sox. One more needed. Hang in there.

Angie said...

Kristen, thanks, I'm getting there.

Hellojed, I'm glad too. :) The Red Sox won! Yay!

Lane, it was an impressive and high scoring game. Cough is now just a weak quiver.

Pierre, they did it! Woo hoo.

pierre l said...

Congratulations. And in 4 games as well!