Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Today I had a preview of what my 80th birthday will be like. I spent the morning making phone calls, followed by a long appointment with a neurologist. Then it was off to the pharmacist's to fill my ever-growing prescription list. I may have to alphabetize to keep them all straight! Tonight I'm having a low-key birthday dinner at one of my favorite (authentic) pizzerias, possibly followed by gelato or cake with a few friends. Since I went to Germany in March and I'm going to the Dominican Republic next week(!) we're not doing presents (rightly so), and my family already gave me presents for my trip, which was fabulous. I admit, normally I'm a birthday diva, but I'm enjoying the low-key nature of my birthday this year. Although, I am hoping I won't have to repeat the neurologist's visit next year.


Yvonne said...

Hope your trip to the neurologist went well and that you're happy with your treatment. Am also a complete birthday diva! And so jealous of your trip to the Dominican Republic, I need some sun!!!

John Soanes said...

The Dominican republic? Lovely - I went there last year, and had a great time.
Don't know if you like to scuba or snorkel, but if you do or fancy trying it, the seas are beautifully blue, and teeming with sealife of magnificent colours, so I certainly recommend doing that if you get the opportunity!

Kristen @ said...

Seriously, Ang, with your increasingly large line-up of medication and my sciatica, we're freakin' 80 already.

Angie said...

Yvonne, the trip went okay, I'm just trying to sort these migraines.
Birthday divas are cool! :)
I'm in serious need of sun too and it can't come soon enough!

John, yes, I am so excited and glad to hear you had a good time too.
I do love to snorkel, but don't scuba. I'm glad to hear the water is good for it, I will definitely make time to check it out!

Kristen, dontcha know? 27 is the new 80! Booya. (Or something...?)