Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday feedback

Okay, I may regret this later, but here are pictures of the new hairdo:
Voila. (I think Drew is mocking my pose in the last picture, that cheeky dog!) It's really not that exciting, I know, but I've wanted to give bangs another try for awhile and was afraid I couldn't pull them off. (Keep in mind that I'm still figuring out how to style them.) It's too bad I don't have a picture of my awesome 80s poof bangs to compare. Who knows, maybe next I'll go for the pixie cut or finally get a tat.

On a separate note, I received great feedback on my chapter and was pleasantly surprised by everyone's reaction. I thought it would receive a lot more criticism than it did, and I was happy to discover that the readers loved my research details, which I was beginning to think were a bit overbearing. Yay. Still a lot of work to do, but at least I know I'm heading in the right direction.

Bored? Lunchtime viewing provided courtesy of cult-favorite Joss Whedon: Dr Horrible. (Thanks for the link, Yvonne, I'm loving it.)


Lane Mathias said...

You look beautiful! The first photo I can see on the dust jacket of your book! You certainly suit 'bangs/ a fringe! I think Drew approves too!:-)

Angie said...

Ah, thanks, Lane!
It is fringe, then? I thought so.
I don't know, I think he's mocking me. ;)

pierre l said...

Thank you for those photographs, Angie. I think you look gorgeous in all of them, particularly the leftmost one with the lovely smile. I wonder if it's because of that smile that I love the South Bank one so much. But, yes the first one would look great on a dust jacket.
I am a little confused by this bangs/fringe thing; to me a fringe is when a portion of the hair is cut shorter than the rest and finishes between the eyebrow and the eye (while the rest is tied back, or just hangs down).
I think Drew looks very happy in the third picture and so do you.
I will look forward to reading your novel (whatever author picture they use, of course).

pierre l said...

... but I have also seen the style you are wearing described as a fringe (on the same page as the type of fringe I described above). So I am totally confused, and will just admire how good you look.

Kat W said...

I didn't really know what 'bangs' were - but now I've seen your photos I get it - your hair looks fab.

Good news on the feedback - shows you are obviously much better than you realised. I'm looking forward to reading your book!

Thanks for the info (last post comments)on origins of your name - very interesting.

Kat :-)

Kristen @ said...

I must say, you look like a model in the second photo. You're gorgeous, girlie! :-)

Angie said...

Ah thanks everyone, now I'm embarrassed :p

Pierre, usually bangs hang across the forehead, but I had mine cut as long sideswept bangs...they're not that dramatic, but very different for me. (They appear thinner in the pic than they are too.)

Kat, it's an Americanism. ;)
I was also interested to hear about your Greek Cypriot heritage with a related name.

Kristen, hardy har har. Now I'm more pics of me, I'll stick to Drew from now on!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

The photos are lovely, especially the first one.

Yvonne said...

I love the photo and the haircut, gorgeous! My pleasure re: the link but I missed Saturday's act - so raging!

Angie said...

Thanks, Debs and Yvonne. :)

Yvonne, I missed the last one too! Boo! I thought it was up a few more days, darn it.