Monday, September 22, 2008


I was catching up on blog reading tonight, when I got a little distracted over at JJ's. She mentioned her admiration of a certain lovely film star, who happens to be one of my faves, and I found myself looking at my desktop wistfully.

Wait, what was I saying?


Yvonne said...

LOL! Seriously cute.

Jenny Beattie said...

LOL Angie. they are both so cute, aren't they? Of course having a Colin Phwoarth fixation doesn't remotely embarrass me ... whereas having a Hugh Grant crush... did. Not anymore, I'd definitely among friends. Thanks for the link.

Jenny Beattie said...

I meant "I'M" of course.

Lane Mathias said...

Hmmm. I'm in the minority here. I must be missing something - although I did get it when Mr Firth was Mr Darcy:-)

Swoon away ladies:-)

Kristen @ said...

Ding-Dong! ;-)

Angie said...

Yvonne, it's even better if you imagine the soundtrack song, "I Believe in a Thing Called Love"...sigh. :)

JJ, they are! I think it's relatively more acceptable to have a Hugh Grant crush in the US, but you're right the Phwoarth fixation is not at all embarrassing, it's normal! (Right?)
You are indeed among friends. xx

Lane, it was Mr Darcy that did it initially. I'm sure you have a secret lovely crush of your own? :)

Kristen, ding dong indeed! (Perhaps we should revisit our flick soon?)

Jen said...

Have you seen Love Actually? Andrew Lincoln beats anyone in that film... double swoon...

Angie said...

Oh Spiral, Love Actually is arguably my favorite film...Colin Firth (bumbling and writing), Hugh Grant (that dance!), and yes, Andrew Lincoln (with those signs). The whole movie makes me swoon, and I haven't even mentioned all the other fantastic actors and storylines.
Oh! And Lynden David Hall as wedding singer! *sigh* Now I want to watch it.

Anonymous said...

Woooohoooo! I feel a girlie film night coming. Just the thing for chilly autumn nights.

I don't believe I have inflicted Love Actually on Bobo yet. He doesn't know what he's missing.

Angie said...

Hulla, a chilly autumn night with a fire and a girly flick sounds perfect! I'll have to settle for the girly flick since it's hot and we have no fireplace. LOL.

Oh do introduce him to Love Actually! It's so romantic, he's totally missing out. :)