Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Nostalgia is the scent of winter firewood lightly perfuming the dry high desert air. It is the crisp blue skies of morning, the swirling pink sunsets of twilight, and the inky black nights with a sparkling display of stars. It's the majestic view of mountains covered in snow, and the less charming sight of roadside snow colored deep red by the local cinders which provide traction against the ice. It is tall magnificent trees, mountain lakes, buttes, and the sparse high desert landscape of pine, juniper, and sage.
I am suffering from homesickness more and more lately. Bouts of crippling nostalgia overwhelm me at times, and I can hardly explain where they come from or why. I traveled home to Oregon five times last year--a record since we moved south--and that certainly hasn't helped matters. Although California is now my home, I don't always feel at home. I like living here. There are many great things about it, not least the mild climate and the wealth of activities and culture in the bay area. But sometimes I just miss the familiar:
I love the snow in winter, the dry heat, the unpredictable weather. Gorgeous mountain views greet you every morning. People are friendly and life is an adventure, not a race. Most importantly for me, I have a network of family and friends. I have a group of best friends--girls who have been there for me, whether near or far, for over a decade. You can't build that kind of life in six years, no matter how hard you try. I do love my little life here, but that's how it feels sometimes: little.


Rebecca said...

I would be homesick for that life - the snow, the mountains, all of it - if I were you, too.

Jenny Beattie said...

That sounds wonderful; I'm not surprised to hear you're feeling homesick.

Big hugs to you.

Sue Guiney said...

lovely photos. the whole idea of nostalgia is an interesting one. what causes some people to feel it and not others,are there times in our lives when we are more or less prone to it. really interesting...

Kristen @ frostingandfroth.com said...

Makes me sad. :-(

Molly said...

With 25 years and a VERY full wonderful life here in Florida, I still miss my mountains everyday. And that first whiff of sage when I get of the plane in Redmond kicks me in my soul.

The homesick feeling comes in waves, this year has been particularly hard for me, too. Thanks for the pics, and the little glimpse of home :-)

Angie said...

Rebecca, thanks. Australia sounds quite lovely to me too. :)

JJ, It seems to come in waves. I bet you know about that, though.
Thanks for the hugs. x

Sue, it is interesting how different things can induce nostalgia in some, but not in others. Husband and I usually experience it differently (we're from the same hometown), but there are certain things that can trigger it in both of us.

Kris, sorry to make you sad. :( You guys mean the world to me, and I love having you around! x

Molly, it's curious how it hits you so hard sometimes. I know what you mean about the kick in the soul. Glad to share a little slice of home with you. :)

Sarah*G* said...

I really want to get back to San Francisco. Went there for part of honeymoon and would love to visit again. A west coast trip in general would be nice. Warmer there than here!

Alix said...

Hi Angie, Nice to reconnect!

Sorry you're feeling homesick, yes I get waves of that too and wish I had some red ruby slippers!

Take care. I've added you to my blogroll so I can keep updated. Hope the novel is going well.

Jenny Beattie said...

Angie, hope you're feeling cheerier. There's a blog award for you over at mine.

Angie said...

Sarah, San Fran is pretty cool. Hope you get your chance to visit and relive your honeymoon. :)

Alexa, it's great to see you around again. I'm glad I found your new blog. Those slippers would be handy at times, wouldn't they?

Ah, thanks, JJ. That made my day. Heading over to check it out. :)