Friday, March 12, 2010

FINAL Final?

I'm working through the last revisions on my novel. My husband and mom worry that I'm endlessly nitpicking and will never finish to my satisfaction. I do have a tendency to obsess over details (ahem), thus my editorial past, but I'm trying to view my work objectively, with an editorial eye. I have a list of items that need to be addressed, and I know the novel won't be strong enough until I attend to them. I can't help but wonder though, how do you know when you've finally reached The End?

Jamie Ford, author of my favorite book from 2009, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, wrote an interesting post about this recently. By his description, I'm the type of writer who slooooows the whole process to a near crawl. If I'm not careful, I might look up one day to discover my husband has grayed on me overnight! I'm simultaneously excited and terrified to reach the finish line. I want everything to be just right when I send the manuscript to agents. I only have one shot at this, after all. How do others get past this fear and cross the finish line?


Alix said...

If you find out please let me know :)

Yay on being close to the end

Rebecca said...

Actually - I'm a bit the opposite - so impatient that I send the ms out before it's ready. (I started querying agents before I'd written the last page, don't tell) Remember, if you do get published, there will be another complete editing process with the publisher!
Best of best luck when you do send it out there! x

Jenny Beattie said...

Oh good grief; I've no idea. I suspect I'll be more like you than like Rebecca is describing...

When you're totally and utterly sick of it? I can manage to recognise the moment (I think) with articles but with a galumphing great novel? So many pages... I'm not so sure I'll know then!

Anyway, good luck when you do sub it.

Angie said...

Alexa, I promise! :)
Thank you, I can hardly believe how close I am!

Rebecca, wow, that is so brave. I bet you write a much stronger first draft than I do. I might be weird, but I'm actually looking forward to the full editing process. I would love the professional input! My worry is that the opening needs to be strong enough to ever reach that point...

JJ, I'm afraid the husband will send it out if I don't get it into agent's hands soon! ;)
The size makes it much more overwhelming than rewriting a short story or article. I guess it just takes some faith that it's good enough.

Thanks ladies, I can use all the encouragement I can get! xx