Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Coughing humping fisticuffs

Woke up with sore ribs from coughing all last night. At one point in the middle of the night after I'd woken myself up from a particularly bad bout of coughing, I realized I'd forgotten to take my cough medicine before bed so I brought this on myself. Bleh.
On a brighter note, happy hump day! I guess I should explain for those of you not familiar with this phrase: It's Wednesday, the week's half over so we're 'over the hump' so to speak. Not a common phrase you say? Everyone I know says it, er, at least a few people...ah, anyway, happy humping!
Kris, if you get around to reading this and you still think you wanna read my novel, you'll have to take up fisticuffs with your boyfriend who harangued me in the comments for simply implying you'd be reading a lot of my writing for me. Apparently he's jealous of your time. Gosh, you were my best friend first! :)

1 comment:

Kristen @ said...

No worries. We both know we owe you and, besides, the boy is going to have to become accustomed to me reading when he would prefer me to be doing other things... ;-)