Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy President's Day

I finished my words early today so I could spend the remainder of the day relaxing with husband and enjoying the holiday. Cheers!


Kristen @ said...

It seems everyone has today off except the fiance and I. Sigh. Enjoy the afternoon! Bravo for finishing your writing early. :-)

Yvonne said...

I had no idea it was President's Day today, fair play for writing today - I'm too lazy to work on public holidays! Enjoy!

Angie said...

Kristen, this is the first time hubby has had this holiday so he was stoked, but he didn't get MLK Day. I originally planned on taking it with him, but I'm leaving in TWO weeks, so I need to do as much writing as possible.
I was proud to finish early and appropriately lazed about the remainder of the day. Sorry you had to work. :(

Yvonne, it's the third Mon of February, and it was originally set to celebrate Washington's birthday, but also became a celebration of Lincoln's birthday. I would've skipped the writing if it weren't for my upcoming trip - the guilt is too strong!

Anonymous said...

President's Day? What does that mean?

Angie said...

Alfaking, it was set to celebrate George Washington's birthday originally, then Lincoln's (and it now generally honors all presidents).

Jenny Beattie said...

Hope you had a lovely laze.

Anonymous said...

Oh Thanks. I wasn't aware you celebrate your President's birthday nationally.

Anonymous said...

Oh Thanks. I wasn't aware you celebrate your President's birthday nationally.