Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ho ho ho and Oh oh oh!

It's Christmas over at Caroline's. Copies of her novella, Disraeli Avenue, are now available for pre-order. The proceeds benefit the charity One in Four. The limited edition signed and numbered copies will make a lovely addition to your shelves, so hurry up and get your copy! I've already ordered mine.

In other news, I've cut my hair. Again. I'm not quite sure what all the fuss was about, because these are real bangs (fringe for all the UK readers):
Oh yes, and did I mention I cut off all of my hair? Oh dear, oh dear. (Okay, actually it's fun and requires hardly any effort, but I realize some people just don't like short hair on girls, and I feel slightly self-conscious.)

I've been out with a migraine most of this week, so I'm struggling to keep pace with everything, but hopefully things will be back to normal soon. I'm almost to the halfway mark with my editing, which is exciting. It only hit me how far along I've gotten on Monday when I noticed I was on manuscript page 128! I'll give another writing update soon after I catch up with everything.

Oh, and did I mention tennis? First the Olympics, and now the US Open. Sport is taking over our Tivo!


Yvonne said...

Sorry to hear about your migraines, but I think your haircut looks gorgeous, short hair is so lovely and easy to manage! You're going great guns with the editing, keep it up!

Caroline said...

Thanks honey!
And you look beautiful, very :)


Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Your hair looks lovely in the photo. Sorry to hear that you've been suffering with migraines, ghastly things.

Kristen @ said...

You know I adore the hair. :-) And keep up the good editing work. Well done!

Jenny Beattie said...

Ooh, horrible migraines - sorry to hear about those.

'Some people just don't like short hair on girls' So? It's not their hair Angie, it's yours and I think you look gorgeous.

Angie said...

Yvonne, it is SO easy to manage, and since it hit 101 here yesterday, I couldn't have picked a better time!

Caroline, glad to participate. And thank you. :)

Thanks, Debs. Migraines are ghastly, aren't they!

Kristen, thanks darlin. :)

JJ, thank you.
And you're right, I think I'm just feeling fragile. It's my hair, and I'm having fun with it! (Thanks.)


Lane Mathias said...

You look so pretty! I love the new short hair!

Hope you've had no more migraines. They are the absolute pits!

Angie said...

Yay, thank you, Lane!
They seem to be tapering off, thank goodness. Sadly, no wine (or other alcohol) or diet soda for me. They're my (favorite) triggers. :(